I've been trying to up the intensity of my treadmill workouts lately. Most days I have less than an hour to get in a good exhausting workout and since I've been using my treadmill to work out for so long, my body's getting used to things, to say the least. But I still love it. My husband stuck a TV right in front of the treadmill so I can DVR my favorite shows and watch them as I run! No boredom! (Speaking of shows, Lost starts tonight. Woohoo!)
I'm an amateur runner and worker-outer and I'm just doing my best on very little knowledge. But I read somewhere that it's good to run at your usual pace then add in several minutes of sprinting or hills, then recover at your normal pace (instead of walking for recovery). So I've been doing this. My normal pace is 6 mph at 0% or 1% incline, then I'll kick it up to 7 mph or a 3% incline for 5 min to change things up. Yesterday I was doing that and upon finishing my 5 minutes I pushed the 6 mph button on my treadmill to slow back down and recover. I kept running and running and couldn't figure out why it wasn't getting any easier. I pushed 6 mph again--maybe I hadn't pushed hard enough. Still I was killing myself. Why? Suddenly I realized I was at a 3% incline the whole time! Duh! Boy, do I respect all you out there who run hills outdoors on a regular basis.
Wow! That's pretty amazing! Good job! I couldn't run that long at that pace and incline.
Ah, the incline button. Since Utah I've turned into an incline fanatic...higher...I must go higher...
Now, I just need to add the faster. You've got a pretty good pace going. You should train for a fast race, like a 5 or 10k. It would make for some great motivation and the training's light.
I've been slacking lately. Thanks for the boost! Tomorrow I'll be blasting your name, I'm sure.
That is funny and awesome. I don't think an error like that would ever get by me I glance at the numbers on the machine A LOT when I am struggling and especially during sprints. I guess I need a more interesting show! However it may get by me in the case that all I was looking at was when the lap was over-- which I often do. I do run at a 3% incline but I haven't ever tried any other incline, so I don't know the difference. While I have at times run at 6 mi/hr I usually don't push myself that hard. You have definitely got me beat with the--7 mi/hr for 5 mins at a 3% incline don't think I could handle that. Now you've got me wanting to try, it can't end good. I'm thinking maybe an ER trip or the kids find me passed out at the bottom of the treadmill, maybe I'd better not. I did a tivo'd workout off of BYU-TV called "Total Body Workout." It was okay, at the end of the cardio I didn't feel like I had worked too hard, so I got onto the treadmill and did some sprint/walks. I do 1 lap at 8:13 min/mile, sprinting(not sure the mi/hr). Then about a 1 min walk, then sprint again, for between 4-6 sets. Are you weight training? I have heard that is good for plateus. I have heard that if you have to pick between aerobic or weight, that weights alone will give you better results than aerobic alone.
Alisa, I don't do 7 mph and a 3% incline. It's one or the other but not both at the same time. That for sure would kill me!
that's great! you are a really good runner! you would definately leave me in your dust!!
Had a great workout today. Thanks!
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