One of the many differences between my husband and me is our hunger and cravings when trying to lose weight. He and I are working together, encouraging and helping each other.
I'm hungriest in the morning and he's hungriest in the evening. Most nights he's craving something to eat, while nights for me seem to be easy. I might get a little hungry, but I don't really have a problem ignoring it. But for me, I wake up ravenous! I feel like I could eat all my daily calories just for breakfast! So I usually eat about 450-500 calories and still want more. And to make matters worse, I have a weakness for cold cereal and I adore breakfast food. Silly, I know, but I could eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Trevor could skip breakfast if he was running late for work without batting an eye.
I can think of at least one reason why this may be the case. One is that I work out in the morning while he does in the afternoon. Another is that he doesn't think about eating while he's at work, but I'm around food all day at home and eat more during the day. But then again, this could be attributed to our cravings and hunger. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know; I just want to eat them!
Eating cold cereal is like eating chocolate chip cookies -- I have NO control whatsoever!
My solution: I don't eat them AT ALL, NOT EVEN ONE. I just can't. Isn't cold cereal super high on the Glycemic Index? I never feel full and am hungry like two seconds later.
Most breakfast foods are easy for me to overeat, including oatmeal. I can eat 2 cups of the stuff (pre-water measurement) without thinking. And don't even get me started about Brady's white pancakes. I try to come in when everyone's finishing up so I only get the leftovers.
The good thing for me is that I am usually not the hungriest in the morning (probably because of all the overeating in the evening...I know, I know, I'm working on it). I exercise in the morning or afternoon and I don't like to eat too much before or after.
I'm like Trevor and the nights are my hungrier times. I've read you should eat more during the day to curb this, but I'm too scared becaue I'm afraid I'll just do both. Still, breakfast is usually bigger than lunch (caloricly), although smaller than dinner.
This all makes me hungry just thinking about food.
PS Did your mom join Weight Watchers with Val? I think that's a great weight loss recipe!
I am not hungry in the morning. I do exercise in the am, but sometimes it is before bfst and sometimes after. One thing always happens though- about and hour or so after I exercise I get REALLY hungry, but and usually pretty easily satiated with not TOO many calories. I have no problem all day until dinner time. If I don't get dinner cooked in time I start snacking because I am hungry then eat dinner on top of that. I am usually the first done and everyone is still sitting and eating which makes me want to grab more. I hate dinner because I like to feel satisfied and sometimes full. This is when I ruin my calorie intake for the whole day. I need to go really light on dinner and that is hard for me but I am working on it. Oh and breakfast foods, not my favorite- but I do like it still (it is food!) Some days I wish I could pass it and go straight to lunch food.
For me I enjoy cereal for breakfast too. I can't do Chex b/c I don't think I'd ever be full. I like frosted mini wheats, raisin bran--anything that has lots of fiber to help make me full. I also have tried those weight control oatmeals and it's not like I'm hurting full but they are fine. I also make omelets or frittatas sometimes and if you don't use lots of eggs or like 1-2 and bulk it up with egg whites and or lots of vegetables it gives you fiber, fat, and protein which will help fill you. And maybe a little cheese on it. Also, maybe eat a smaller breakfast followed by a snack an 1 1/2 - 2 hours later. I don't know. I think I do okay in the morning and am worse at lunch/dinner. I am doing okay in the nights but same as Alisa my dinners are my worst. I also like to snack in between which is hard for me. Good luck!!!
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