Monday, January 14, 2008

Zero, zilch, nada

I got on the scale this morning. I was a good girl and waited a whole week to weigh myself, but I kept waking up last night thinking about it. I feel like I've slimmed down a little bit, so I was so impatient to see what the Omnipotent Scale had to say. I could hardly sleep, and kept thinking about it so at around 3:30 am I just had to weigh myself. (Man, that is sick! I must be so obsessed!) Guess what? Yep--I had lost NOTHING! My weight was exactly the same as it was a week ago when I weighed last. I felt like a contestant on The Biggest Loser who gets on the scale and sees a big goose egg there. I was bewildered and astonished and LET DOWN! I just needed to see something!

But I won't quit. Oh, and I'll never wait a week to get on the scale again. No way. That's too much pressure! And hopefully I'll have good news for y'all soon...


Erin said...

That is disappointing isn't it? At least you didn't gain and you could have gained some muscle. I know, that isn't what you want to hear, but if you feel thinner, like your clothes are fitting better than I think that is something at least. Good luck!

Alisa said...

Ha Ha -- with ya on the weekly weigh thing-- not for me. If it is causing you to wake up thinking about it and resulting in a 3:30 weigh in, then it is probabaly too much pressure. I weigh everyday and while I was able to report a one pound loss the day after starting my regimen that was just luck. I must have had a lot of water or something, because since then I am staying the same. I am trying and have had the hunger pangs at night an everything. My scale is a newfangled digitalthing that weighs to the .1 lbs. Things get even more obsessive when you can watch your ounces. Anyway don't rule out the "on/starting your period thing" (like I am dealing with) because I think that does make a difference. One hard week I am sure is always followed by a good one. Oh and feeling good or better definitely counts.

Unknown said...

That sucks! Scale fear is real. The quote, You only look as good as you feel, should be: You only look as good as you weigh.

What's up with that? You eat right, you work hard, and for what? A scale to tell you how you should be feeling?! Why, oh why, do we do this to ourselves??

I tell ya, we should start a revolution against the scale!! Instead, we'd count good eating days (like alcoholics count sober days), and NOT our weight.


(My verification word to make a comment ends with appropriate!)