Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weight Loss Throwdown: Tuesday Update

All my kids and my husband were home yesterday, so we went and had some inexpensive fun together. I only had time for one post and decided to do the other one first.

So here's my update for the throwdown as of today: I HAVE A HEALTHY BMI! Yes, I weigh 145 lbs., which means I'm at the very tippy top of the healthy range. All that time I spent in the 150s and would calculate my BMI, I could see that it wouldn't take much to get in the healthy range, but couldn't motivate myself to do what it would take to get there. Finally I have the focus and momentum, and it wasn't (extremely) torturous, either! I would have loved to have eaten more than 1/2 piece of the pizza we got last night...

Previous weight: 146.6
Current weight 145.6

Pounds to go for 7%: 4.8


Erin said...

Julie, you're doing so well! A pound a week is great, I wish I could say I was doing that well!

Alisa said...

YAY! You are ahead of me. I have had two weeks where the scale hasn't move much. I'm going to have to get my diet in better order. I am already doing all I can for exercise I think. I thought I was doing pretty decent on food, but I'm going to have to make it hurt- I can see that now.

Unknown said...


Every week you are consistently losing weight. It seems to come so effortlessly for you (or without major upsets anyway).

So, how do you do it? And where can I get some of that discipline?

Congrats on the loss, by the way. Brady's impressed, too. He doesn't read these blogs regularly, but he'll glance occasionally when I leave them up. He thinks you're amazing!